Panerai Serial Numbers: A Complete Guide
All watches have serial numbers. The only thing is that different brands use different types of serial numbers, and use different formats to come up with their serial numbers. Serial numbers are not to be confused with reference numbers, which is a way to refer to specific watch models, and similar to serial numbers, reference numbers are created using different formats across different brands.
Serial numbers are a unique number that each watch has, and each watch follows a specific serial number format depending on the production year. Panerai uses one format of creating serial numbers, and parts of these serial numbers can be used to identify the year of which the watch was produced.
As such, serial numbers are used to identify a specific timepiece and can be viewed as a personal security number that no other watch than one specific piece has. Therefore, serial numbers have different usage areas, but they come specifically handy when leaving a watch to service, but they can also be helpful when a watch has been stolen, so you can know whether a watch is your specific piece.
In this article, we’ll present Panerai serial numbers and talk a little about the format that Panerai serial numbers use. In particular, we’ll focus on the way Panerai serial numbers are structured and formatted, and maybe most importantly, list Panerai serial numbers to help you identify the year in which your Panerai watch was manufactured.
Do note that the serial numbers can only give an estimate of when your Panerai watch was made, and it can, of course, be a bit more difficult to identify the specific year your Panerai watch was made if it’s an older (vintage) piece.
Panerai serial numbers
Panerai serial numbers consist of a letter, and with the help of this letter, you can match the letter with the years listed in this article. For example, the letter ”C” in the Panerai serial number indicates that the watch was made in the year 2000.
Where can Panerai serial numbers be found?
Like on most timepieces, most Panerai serial numbers can be found on the case back of the watch. Part of the reason that the serial numbers are engraved on the case back is to make them ”hidden” from other people, thus making it more difficult for people who should not have your serial number to get access to them.
Panerai started with serial numbers in 1997 with the serial BB970001.
Panerai case numbers normally start with ”OP’” and are then followed by 4 digits. The case number identifies the case used on the watch. Different Panerai models may share the same case and so have the same case number. Small changes in a case design over the years can see the case number change for its model. Since 1997, they have been ascending.
Panerai Serial Numbers by Year: Serial Letter Production Year
- No letter: 1997
- A: 1998
- B: 1999
- C: 2000
- D: 2001
- E: 2002
- F: 2003
- G: 2004
- H: 2005
- I: 2006
- J: 2007
- K: 2008
- L: 2009
- M: 2010
- N: 2011
- O: 2012
- P: 2013
- Q: 2014
- R: 2015
- S: 2016
- T: 2017
Serial Number
The second number is the individual watch number that started in 1997 with BB970001, and is steadily increasing. For the year 2000, numbers of 101xxxx are not uncommon.
Production Number: Panerai serial numbers
The final letter in a Panerai serial number is the watch’s number out of the total product for the year.
For example, if a Panerai has the number ”150/1000, it indicates that your Panerai is number 150 out of a total production run of 1000 pieces.
These numbers are true for all Panerai watches, no matter the model or style. This can also be referred to as the edition number, even though these are technically part of your serial numbers.
Panerai Serial number changes in 2002
In the middle of the year 2002, Some Panerai watches started appearing with serial numbers PB50xxxx.
The serial number is equivalent to the identity card number. For each different watch, this number will be different.
Most Panerai serial numbers start with the letters ‘BB’ but ‘PB’ has also been used. The numbers following the letters increment with production. The newer the watch, the higher the number.
How to date my Panerai?
As mentioned, with the help of the serial number of your Panerai, you can date it and the year in which it was manufactured. To date your Panerai, look at the case back of your watch to identify the serial number, identify the first letter in this serial number, and then compare the letter with the list above. So if you are uncertain when your watch was made, this method can prove very helpful.
The serial numbers can also be helpful for deciding the provenance of the watch. These numbers started in 1997 and have been ascending since.
Please note that it is not uncommon that the year of your watch is different from the year it says on the warranty card as the watch can sit at an authorized retailer for a longer period of time before it is sold (and the warranty card is dated).
How to check if your Panerai watch is fake
Do you have any additional specific questions regarding Panerai serial numbers? Consult one of our watch experts here!
Hi, for value purposes does it make a difference if let’s say I own a 2008 luminor Pam 161 gmt that has a number oo3/500 vs 187/500? Does it make a difference in price and desirability ?
Hello Joe,
It is correct that for some watches, the limited edition number will play a role in the collectability of timepieces. However, in this case, with Panerai watches, the numbers play a lesser role than the limited editions from other brands, partly since the brand makes so many limited editions. But that is not to say that it may affect future collectability further down the road.
Kind regards,
Millenary Watches
V series?
Typically, how many pieces does Panerai make for each model?
For limited edition watches, this is possible to know. For non-limited pieces, Panerai does not share this information, but certainly in the thousands to tens of thousands depending on the model.
Kind regards,
Millenary Watches
funny !! Same serial number as mine!
Interested in a watch could somebody give me some in site or light if it’s real it’s PB 519494. 10025/2000
I need help because my watch says PB519494 OP6567 H0035/2000 i havent be able to found it because there are some similars but mine has it back transparent
Yours is a 2005. The “H” preceding your number in the production run signifies the year 2005. Just match it up with the chart. Some speculate the number preceding the serial number is the one to match up with the chart. In your case (no pun intended), it’s the letter I specified.
Hi there. I have the same watch with exact serial no. But that watch was given to me by my girlfriend’s dad (Indonesia)
Good post as usual
300M, FIRENZE 1860,
OP 6541,
PB 100000
I never saw id N PB100000 is it a clone or original?
Thank you in advance!
It’s difficult to say without inspecting it in detail. Our best advice would be to have a professional watchmaker inspect and evaluate it.
Kind regards,
Millenary Watches
I have a Panerai Radiomir Automatic 50mm. I dont know much about watches and the onlt numbers i see on the back are 7750-P1 or PI.
Im not sure if the watch is original.
Any tips on how to find out?
It’s difficult to say solely with the serial number. The best advice is to have it checked by a professional watchmaker.
Kind regards,
Millenary Watches